It's A Human Right

If it’s Mother’s Day, make sure you put a trigger warning on your posts so that anyone who wants to be a mum, is trying to become a mum, is unable to be a mum, or has lost their mum isn’t brought into unnecessary despair.
We want to make sure the internet is a safe space for everyone.
Unless, of course…
It’s a day when America amends abortion laws.
In which case…
Let’s celebrate the killing of children and shout “Fuck the Patriarchy!” from the rooftops because it’s “My Body, My Choice!”
Unless, of course…
We are talking about untested, unsafe, and ineffective medical experiments. In which case… It’s “Your Body, My Choice” — because it’s your job to protect me.
Unless of course… You want to protect me with a gun.
In which case…
You’re a radicalised, right-wing nut job.
We should ban all guns.
Only the government should have them because it’s their job to protect us.
Unless, of course…
You’re a man inside the government.
In which case…
I don’t want your protection because I don’t need you.
I can protect myself, you micro-aggressive, misogynist pig.
You’re the embodiment of everything that’s wrong with the Patriarchy and I will fight to bring you down!
Unless, of course…
You want to fund or carry out my abortion.
In which case…
I’ll gladly pay you for that. It’s a human right.